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The five passengers aboard a missing submersible that explored the wreckage of the Titanic include a space-traveling British tycoon, a Pakistani billionaire, and a retired French commander who led the first expedition to the site of the “unsinkable” ship.

Contact lost with its support ship

The vessel lost contact with its support ship approximately one hour and forty-five minutes after descending to the wreckage of the 1912 catastrophe, 12,500 feet below the surface and 370 miles off the coast of Newfoundland, on Sunday.

Harding, Hamish

Hamish Harding, a 58-year-old aircraft sales executive and Guinness World Record holder, is among the missing.According to family members and social media posts by the British magnate.Harding had previously flown in space on a Blue Origin mission, accompanied former astronaut Buzz Aldrin to the South Pole, and was on a mission that visited both poles of the Earth in record time.

The Dubai-based explorer wrote on Instagram Sunday that he was on the third Ocean Gate Expeditions excursion to the ill-fated ship as a “mission specialist.” Harding had previously flown to space on a Blue Origin mission and accompanied former astronaut Buzz Aldrin to the moon.

He and other visitors had each paid $250,000 for the opportunity.Due to the worst winter in Newfoundland in 40 years, it is probable that this will be the only manned mission to the Titanic in 2023,” he wrote.

Tomorrow, we are going to attempt a dive because a weather window has just opened.

Shanzada and Sulaiman Dawood

According to family members, Shanzada Dawood, 48, and his son Sulaiman, 19, were also aboard the five-person vessel. Dawood is vice chairman of the Pakistani energy manufacturing and technology conglomerate Engro Corporation. He is also a member of the Prince’s Trust International Global Advisory Board.
He is also a trustee of the California-based SETI research institute, whose website indicates that he resides in France.

Paul-Henri Nargeolet

77-year-old expert deep diver Paul-Henri Nargeolet is also on board.

After retiring from the French navy in 1987 as a commander, Nargeolet conducted the first expedition to the Titanic wreckage in 1987. He is the director of RMS Titanic Inc.An underwater research company that holds the rights to the Titanic wreck, and has appeared in a number of films and television programs about the disaster, such as “Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron.”
When asked by the Irish Examiner if he ever felt scared, Nargeolet, also known as “Mr. Titanic,” made a foreboding remark about his numerous trips to the site in 2019.

“When you’re in extremely deep water, you’re dead before you realize anything is wrong, so it’s not a problem,” Nargeolet explained.

A year later, he stated on France Bleu radio, “I have no fear of death; I believe it is inevitable.”

Stockton Rush

According to media reports, the missing team is completed by Stockton Rush, 61, founder and CEO of Ocean Gate in Everett, Washington.

According to his biography, Rush became the youngest jet transport-rated pilot in the world at the age of 19 in 1981.

This year, Rush told Britain’s Sky News that the Titanic’s wreck is “astonishingly beautiful.” You can see inside; we dipped down and observed the stately staircase and chandeliers still in place.”

The Coast Guard is conducting a desperate search for the 22-foot Titan submersible, which, unlike a submarine, cannot deploy from a port and must rely on a support vessel.

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1 Comment

Mm · June 22, 2023 at 6:54 am

May God save their souls

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