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When you finally afford to buy your first car you might be super excited and forget the most important things.In this comprehensive article i will guide you on what steps you should take especially if you are a baby girl and lack massive knowledge on cars.Buying a first car leads to paths of dilemma might feel helpless at one point .Do you get an automatic car or a manual car? Do you get a diesel or a petrol car?6 Things to consider when Buying your First car.

To begin with,relax i got you with loads of help.The following are some of the factors to consider:

Set your Budget

Having a budget helps to factor in whether you will use a used car or a brand new car.A used car would be more favorable since they are cheaper and readily available in most countries.Buying a second hand cars means that you have a variety to pick from.A s a first time buyer ,you should choose a more economical option.If you are ready to purchase your first car check our guide on the best used cars in 2024

Type of car to Buy

6 Things to consider when Buying your First car.

We all have dream cars which may vary from time to time.My dream car some years back was a Mitsubishi Lancer but this year i got myself a mazda CX5 2023.That said the question is if you cannot afford your dream car at the moment what type of car will you settle for?Most cars fall into this few categories:it can be a hatchback ma salon or an SUV.Also, are a sports car lover ? As a first time buyer a hatchback tends to be more efficient and economical .If its a family car and you have kids for convenience an SUV would definitely serve you best.

Cost of Maintenance

6 Things to consider when Buying your First car.

To add on m having a car means you have to budget for garage visits insurance and spare parts and ;maintenance. for your new car.One should also note down the amount of fuel they expect to consume depending on the purpose of the car.Always have your car serviced after driving for 12000 miles, this ensures you have a healthy car and an easy time.

Petrol, Diesel or an Electric Car?Which one should you get?

I would mostly advocate for petrol cars since they are safer in terms of engine and are less prone to go wrong .Electric cars are obviously more expensive and require you to drive less than 100 miles in a day,Diesel is cheaper but the repercussions to the engine are greater,Diesel cars use less fuel compared to petrol cars.You should however note that diesel cars wear out quickly.

Car Safety

6 Things to consider when Buying your First car.

It’s important to check whether the car you intend to buy has safe car theft prevention, we definitely don’t want our first car going missing.Also research on the crash test of the car you intend to buy does this car have the ability to stop accidents before they happen.Some cars can detect objects ahead and stop a collision.In this day and age technology is making things easier and safer for our cars.6 Things to consider when Buying your First car.


Its important to have a budget , do you intend to buy your car on credit or you buying cash.Do the math and see the most comfortable and convenient method to pay for your car.Check on your monthly income especially if you in a country where cars aren’t a necessity.Consider asset financing depending on your credit history or credit score.If you don’t have a proper credit score you can consider Hire purchase

Finally, Test Drive

6 Things to consider when Buying your First car.

When you decide on where to purchase your car either physical showroom or online,i wouldn’t advocate for online purchase though, you need to go get the car of your choice inspected .Get a mechanic who will check on the engine ,oil, tires and mileage of the car.Finally go for a test drive to get the feel of the car,can you adjust the seats,how do you feel inside that car.You get a week t test drive your car.

In conclusion,buy a car that will serve you properly and still you will enjoy.If you find it hard to go thru the processes get someone knowledgeable enough to help you out.Subscribe to get tips on how to inspect your car before you import.

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